2. Tearing and Defibreing
Machine Technology Partner

Booth H10-B302
The company OMMI had been founded in 1963 in Prato in Tuscany, Italy which is for over 100 years the largest European textile district.OMMI had been born of the thrust of the post-war development of the Prato textile industry to cover the needs of upgrading by coming from the textile industries. Today it is driven by the second generation of founding members.
OMMI quickly became an Italian leading producer of technology for the opening of fibres bales, fibres' multi-mixing and the carding plants' feeding for the production of fancy yarns, wool and cotton yarns and others. The world's growing demand of single use textiles as well as nonwovens offered the opportunity for a quick international growing of the company by adding a specific range of machines for fibre managing processes. Over the years, the company diversified its action by adding to the traditional textile-clothing sector, new technologies for automatic handling, pressing and unloading the “cakes” in fibre dyeing and bleaching plants.
In 1990 OMMI together with other partners launched the Italiana Rigenerazione srl, a company specialized in tearing and re-opening processes of textile waste. Later on OMMI definitively incorporates the Italiana Rigenerazione’s experience. With the Recoline® patent the division for the regeneration of fibres from textile waste and production waste is strengthened both in the textile sector and in the nonwoven sector by covering the world’s growing need to reduce textiles waste and by improving the quality of regenerated textile fibres aimed to achieve long fibres that should be used in primary industrial processes. OMMI machines and systems are now present in over 40 countries on 5 continents.
The ethic and green targets of OMMI are as follows:
- Thinking to the next generations when projecting
- Respecting the human rights
- Acting against climate changes thanks to technological advanced solutions
- Respecting the technical properties of any fibre when recyclable, reusable or regenerable as well, when single or mixed, virgin or recycled, dyed or raw white
- Saving energy thanks to a more accurate projecting on line with EU and market expectations
- Measuring the product’s footprint
Difference among traditional tearing process and the OMMI defibreing process.
The today's Recoline® patented process is coming from the depth analysis of both experiences for fibre recovering in order to secure a second life to used fibres from textile and post consume waste: the traditional tearing process and the garnering process. Recoline® combines the strong opening action of the textile goods with a gentle fibre doffing cycle in order to reorientate the fibres according to their natural, physic construction. This process main benefits are: high flexibility, saving of energy, less stress on fibres, reduction of dust and short fibres by offering a better chances for a valuable re-processing on both spinning and nonwovens processes.

Contact persons

Via Campostino di Mezzana 8
I-59100 Prato